About me

I’m Walter Tersek (29) and I would like to share my story with you ..

Everything starts when I was just a kid . Sailing around the world has been my hidden desire since early childhood . At that time all I could do was to drew and paint all kind of boats

Many years later with saved money , I boughtnan old sailboat and began preparing it for a voyage to distant horizons and mighty oceans like I always dreamed .

How much I loved my first boat, Lady Ivana! I left home, my girlfriend and my friends. I followed the call of freedom, on the line between the blue of the sky and the blue of the sea, I sailed with the wind in my sails towards the horizons somewhere far, far away in infinity.

I experienced magical nights under the starry sky as my first love. Alone at sea, the morning and evening dawn, the song of the wind, the dolphins by my boat, the clouds far away, high … my dreams have become a reality. My sailboat, just like the one I painted as a child, sailed the new experience opposite. Until Neptune took it from me on a stormy night in the middle of the Atlantic.

It wasn’t just a shipwreck, it was my life’s shipwreck. The tears that flowed that night as I said goodbye to my great love ran for a whole month after the shipwreck. I was like a boat without a rudder, I was like my Ivana, at the bottom! I wondered about the meaning of life, sinking into despair and sadness, just as my boat sank to the bottom of the AtlanticThen I started writing a book. Meanwhile, I have found that a life shipwreck can be the end or the beginning, depending on how we accept this defeat. When we are exposed to unmanageable forces of nature and extreme efforts to survive, our consciousness changes, expands outward, into an environment that threatens us, allowing us to find strength in such a state, adapt and connect with the forces of nature to survive at all. . The experience of a shipwreck filled me with the unbearable pain of loss, which I initially understood as defeat. While writing the book, however, my “dreams” from the bottom of the Atlantic suddenly took on a completely different meaning. I realized that this was an offering to Neptune and that he would therefore give me another option. The book helped me to set life values ​​that will guide my boat on the way to achieving my goals.. 

After loosing my first boat, my home and everything I had , I returned back home and start thinking about my life , wondering when I ll sail again ?!

So there passed several days when I was looking many many sites to find a new boat . In the first day I found one boat that knew that have potential for crossing the oceans and circumnavigate the world , but I kept on looking other boats . But my instinct always brought me back to the first one . The way I always choose in my life .

Well, nothing can happen if u don t move yr ass so I took the car and I went 1000 km from home to holland just to see that boat. After I ve seen the shape and construction  I knew that this is what I need . Like usually.. there was some problems:boat was abanded.. and of course the money.I returned home with the same dream,but a new goal .Because my mom wanted to see me happy again , she helped me to achieve my goal.I wrote a book and promised that with all money from the book I m gonna pay back.10 m of freedom , title of the book , which have succes , really helped me to have a good start on paying back,But being still far from the end of the bill , I went to Canary Islands , for one month of work and after that I returned to holland to my new home , ORPLID.If all would go according the plan , I would sail the boat to canary and there rebuilding it . But .. corona virus came and change my plans completely. Being alone for 5 months was the hardest part of my life thinking almost all the time on my old boat “lady Ivana” , what it would be if I would stay in a drift on a sinking boat ?! But i tried to keep my mind straight and working to rebuild an new boat for the same dream .





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